

The person is in this video is  professional  please don’t try this anywhere Credit: Mihail Makarov official About us: We are a youth team consisted of 3 members who live in Canada. We started  dancing at an early age, and hip-hop was our only way to ex press ourselves freely. Dancing4ever  started with a small idea To this date; we have over  1M followers  on our social media fan page. We are truly thankful for your lovely support. If you love dancing, don’t hesitate to communicate with us. We’re always here  to help you and connect you with people who can help you improve your dancing skills. We strive t o provide our followers with the finest content: Daily Pictures Daily Videos Daily Motivation If you love our content, please share it and show your family and friends it helps us keep going forward when we see your positive comments and love. Yours Truly,  Dancing4ever Family


It is often frustrating when a dancer is practicing every day and night and working hard on his craft, yet his skills are not being improved. These dancers reach a point where they can no longer put something new to the table. They maintain the same approach, energy, and vibe. Hitting a plateau is something common, and what is more common is that it may take the dancers years and years until they realize that they are really stuck. Please put in mind that I am not talking about dancers who are satisfied with their level of dance and are not looking forward to improving their skills. The type of audience I am sending out my message to is the dancers who are not improving even though they are putting time and effort. Cypher with other people. Changing the environment you dance in is going to spark your brain in a way that you will view yourself differently than when you dance with your close friends. Your friends would give you props for everything you do, while others would be m


Have you ever felt embarrassed to take pictures of your freezes because they are not clean? Have you ever wanted to do clean power moves but flexibility was an obstacle? Today we will teach you a few tips that you can follow in order to achieve your goal. 1- Set a realistic goal​.  What level of flexibility do you want to achieve? Determine your level, see where you are, and do not set a goal that seems impossible to you. 2- Join a yoga class. ​ Go to Google > Type (Yoga Nearby) sounds simple eh? Just drop in, see what courses are available. We recommend that you look for beginner to intermediate level. Register and practice your flexibility 2 to 3 times a week . BOOM EASY  3- Have a shower​,  yes you know why? It’s very beneficial for your body. After having a shower, your muscles are relaxed meaning you’re more likely to increase your flexibility. So it would not be as painful as if you were just stretching after your training/warm-up. 4- Eat Fruits,  ​now I cannot e


Get yourself acquainted with the most frequent terminology of Hip Hop: • Battle A competition in which dancers, usually in an open circle surrounded by their competitors, dance their routines, whether improvised (freestyle) or planned. Winners are determined by outside judges, often with prize money. • Cypher Open forum, mock exhibitions. Similar to battles, but less emphasis on competition. • Freestyle  ​ Improvised Old School routine. • Hip Hop A lifestyle that is comprised of 4 elements: Breaking, MCing, DJing, and Graffiti. Much of it is influenced by the original breaking crews in the 1980’s from the Bronx. Sneakers are usually flat soled and may range from Nike, Adidas, Puma, or Converse. Generally caps are worn for spins, often with padding to protect the head. – Breaking     Breakdancing. – MCing         ​M​ic ​c​ontroller uses rhyming verses, pre-written or freestyled, to introduce and praise the DJ or  excite   the crowd. – DJing           Art of the


The truth is that nobody knows what it takes to be on that level. The thing is most of the internet trash talker who can’t even do a baby freeze. Menno doesn’t bother the hate he receives because he is 100% sure of his ability and performance. He has won many titles since 2004 to the limit that we can’t determine how many. People hate Menno because his sets are so complicated and he doesn’t associate crazy power moves like one-handed airflare with them. Therefore, people are expecting him to do things that Menno himself doesn’t necessarily like to train when he does have potential to throw moves like that. Below is a video of bboy Menno doing power moves and original blowups that you don’t see usually. On the other hand, Menno is an artist he does painting at his free time as it was seen in one of his motivational videos. So if, for some reasons, you don’t like Menno Style, you have to think twice about it. I think we have to give the credit to the judges who voted for M


Popping is one of the main elements of street dance where the dancer mainly contracts and relaxes his or her muscles to show a jerk. This concept is called a pop or a hit. To pop is to be able to hit on the beat. While the idea may seem easy, when it comes to reality it is often difficult to have your hit when you need it, that is, in terms of strength, timing, and speed. This article is going to give you a few tips and ideas on how to strengthen your pops and also have them on the beat. 1- Drill Drill, drill, and drill. ​ Think of it as a sport. A soccer player practices any skill by training hard and repeating. Ronaldo for example wouldn’t be able to tackle three players at once if he did not practice controlling the ball between his feet for a while. When you practice hitting, you have to repeat until you no longer can lift your arms. One of my favorite drills for arm pops is doing the Fresno. The interesting part of the Fresno is that your arms are straight so when you pop y


Music is the essence of the dance. Learning about its genres and memorizing or at least getting familiar with the variety of dance beats that are put out is a part of Hip Hop culture and it’s every dancer’s responsibility. However, it is not that easy for dancers to find such beats. You wouldn’t find your favorite beat in those apps that identify lyrics, sometimes you could, but let’s all agree that most of the beats played in battles don’t usually have lyrics; therefore, you should think of alternative ways of getting access to those beats. Youtube comments: ​ Yes, you gotta work on those mining skills. Usually when people watch dance battles they start asking about the music that is played in the comments below and it creates an atmosphere where you can learn about those beats from other dancers. Also, most Youtube producers tend to add the music titles in the description of the video so there’s a huge chance that you will get any beat you desire. Hit the beat maker up:  ​Ea

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